Friday, July 29, 2011

Sum, sum, summertime...

We have been having a busy summer on the road this year! We have traveled over 3,000 miles to minister at Bible camps and churches in SD, MN and ND. We have gotten to meet some outstanding people from so many denominations and backgrounds, all with a desire to serve the Lord and to communicate the gospel of Jesus to their world. It is a pleasure to work with people who are "on mission" and having fun.

Next week we have a concert set for St. Matthews church in Thompson, ND. Dinner is at 6:15 and the concert is at 6:45pm. If you are in the area, come enjoy the music with us!

If you would like to book a concert with us, you can contact us at and inquire about available times. If you would like to hear our music, you can always find us on iTunes, and AmazonMp3, or if you prefer to have an actual CD, you can find our music on

God's best to you this coming school year!
The Reddings